Digilent Digital Discovery with High-Speed Adapter【TOL-17045】 ※在庫限り品

Digilent Digital Discovery with High-Speed Adapter【TOL-17045】 ※在庫限り品


Digilent Digital Discovery with High-Speed Adapter【TOL-17045】の概要


Digilent Digital Discovery(TM) is a combined logic analyzer and pattern generator that was designed to be the ultimate embedded development companion. The Digital Discovery features a small form factor, facilitating portability and easy storage. Digital Discovery provides a suite of advanced features to allow the user to debug, visualize, and simulate digital signals for most embedded projects. The Included Digital Discovery High-Speed Adapter and impedance-matched probes can also be used to connect and utilize the inputs and outputs for more advanced projects.

The High-Speed Adapter connects to a 32-pin connector on the Digital Discovery and offers an alternative to the default 2x16 flywire assembly. It provides access for up to 24 High-Speed Logic Probes and allows increased sample rates for up 800MS/s on the Digital Discovery. The High-Speed Adapter is not keyed, and both orientations can be used as the twisted wires are not color-coded.

The Digital Discovery is driven by the free WaveForms (3.5.4 or later) software and can be configured to be any of the below instruments:

  • 32-channel digital logic analyzer (1.2V to 3.3V CMOS, 8 channels at 800MS/s*, 16 channels at 400MS/s*, and 32 channels at 200MS/s)
  • Digital Bus Analyzers (SPI, I2C, UART, CAN, Parallel)
  • 16-channel pattern generator (1.2V to 3.3V CMOS, 100MS/s)
  • 16-channel virtual digital I/O including buttons, switches, and LEDs
  • A programmable power supply of 1.2V to 3.3V/100mA

Note: to obtain speeds of 200MS/s and higher, the High-Speed Adapter must be used.

The Digital Discovery was designed for anyone embarking on embedded development. Its features and specifications were deliberately chosen to maintain a small and portable form factor, withstand use in a variety of environments, and keep costs down while balancing the requirements of operating on USB Power.


  • Logic analyzer features:
    • 24 high-speed input channels (DIN0…23), accessible through one 2x16 connector, used with the Logic Analyzer in WaveForms (560kΩ||10pF)
    • 16 digital I/Os (DIO24…39) arranged in two Pmod-style (2x6) connectors, used with the Logic Analyzer in WaveForms
    • 800MSps input sample rate when using maximum 8 inputs (and the High-Speed Adapter), 400MSps with maximum 16 inputs (with the High-Speed Adapter), 200MSps and lower with maximum 32 inputs
    • User programmable input and output LVCMOS voltage levels from 1.2V to 3.3V (5V compatible)
    • 100MHz signal input bandwidth
    • 2Gbit DDR3 acquisition buffer for Logic Analyzer
    • Multiple trigger options, including pin change, bus pattern, etc.
    • Digital Bus Analyzers (SPI, I2C, UART, Parallel)
  • Multi-purpose digital I/O
    • 16 digital I/Os arranged in two Pmod-style (2x6) connectors
    • Each of the 16 pins can be configured for input (Logic analyzer) or set as output
    • Algorithmic pattern generator (no buffers used)
    • Custom pattern buffer/channel: 32K samples
    • ROM Logic for implementing user-defined Boolean functions and State Machines
    • Bus Protocol Controllers (SPI, UART, I2C)
    • 100MSps max. output sample rate (50MHz maximum output frequency)
    • Automatic or manual strength and slew settings for outputs
    • User-programmable logic I/O levels from 1.2V to 3.3V (5V compatible)
  • Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGA (XC6SLX2) core
    • Clock management (12MHz and 60MHz for USB communication, 100MHz and 800MHz for data sampling)
    • Acquisition control and data storage (Logic Analyzer)
    • Digital signal synthesis (for pattern generator and bus protocol controllers)
    • Trigger system (trigger detection and distribution for all instruments)
    • Power supplies control and instruments enabling
    • Power and temperature monitoring
    • Calibration memory control
    • Communication with the PC (settings, status data)
  • Other features
    • USB bus-powered
    • User power supplies, 1.2V to 3.3V, available in the two Pmod-style connectors (100mA max)
    • Twisted wire high-speed cable option for input channels to ensure signal integrity
    • Free WaveForms software runs on Windows, MacOS, and Linux
    • Script editor for complex or automated tests
    • Cross-triggering between Logic Analyzer, Pattern Generator, or external trigger
    • Data file import/export using standard formats
    • Dimensions: 80mm x 80mm x 25mm, 80g (without accessories)


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標準の梱包は、Digi-Keyがメーカーから受け取る最小の梱包サイズです。 Digi-Keyの付加価値サービスにより、最小注文数は、メーカーの標準パッケージより少なくなっている場合があります。 梱包形態(リール、チューブ、トレイなど)は、製品を少量梱包に分割する際に変更される場合がありますので、ご了承ください。



テープ&リールは、メーカーから受け取った未修正の連続テープのリールです。 リーダおよびトレーラとしてそれぞれ知られている最初と最後の空のテープの長さは、自動組立装置の使用を可能にします。 テープは、米電子工業会(EIA)規格に従いプラスチックリールに巻き取られます。 リールサイズ、ピッチ、数量、方向およびその他詳細情報は通常、部品のデータシートの終わりの部分に記載されています。 リールは、メーカーによって決定されたESD(静電気放電)およびMSL(湿度感度レベル)保護要件に従って梱包されます。


カットテープは、ご注文部品の数量を正確に含むリール(上記)から切断された長さのテープです。 カットテープにはリーダーやトレーラーが含まれていないため、多くの自動組立機械には適していません。 テープは、メーカーによって決定されたESD(静電気放電)およびMSL(湿度感度レベル)保護要件に従って梱包されます。

